Once all body parts assembled and decided to elect a boss for the entire body.
Many parts applied.
The brain said, “I should be the boss because I am the one who thinks, recognizes and makes the decisions”.
The heart said, “I should be the boss because without my continuous pumping of blood all of you are dead”.
The eye said, “I give vision, and without vision all of you are as good as dead”.
The legs said, “I should be the boss because without me you can’t go anywhere”.
Then the asshole also decided to apply.
All other body parts laughed so hard at the asshole's desire to be the boss.
They could not stop laughing for a long time.
This made the asshole upset and so he closed up in silent protest.
After a while, the entire body was feeling the effects of the asshole’s rebellion.
Soon the brain clouded up and was no longer as sharp. The eyes blurred and had difficulty focusing. The heart started to palpitate and beat erratically. The legs grew wobbly and did not have enough strength to stand, much less go anywhere.
They realized the importance of the asshole and so they unanimously decided to make him the boss.
The asshole was so happy, he immediately opened up, let go of all the crap and the body went back to normal.
The moral of the story:
You don’t have to be a brain to be the boss…
…An asshole can do the job.
Author’s Note: I read this somewhere but I can’t remember where. I just tried to re-tell the story the best I could.